Fish With Us -Book Online Book a trip with the Fish Taxi. Please, select a date, a trip, fill out our registration, and proceed to check-out. Once payment has been confirmed, we will change your booking from pending to confirmed. Looking forward to catching some fish with you soon! -Capt. Don Reservations Made within 48 HRS. Departure , MUST CALL 760-799-3255 Calendar is loading... - Available - Booked - Pending - Partially booked Select Times:4hrs 7AM-11AM4hrs 2PM-6PM6hrs 7AM-1PM6hrs 12PM-6PM8hrs 7AM-3PM11hrs 7AM-6PM First Name (required): Last Name (required): Email (required): Phone: Passengers: 123456 Any 16 or Under: noyes I Accept term and conditions